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The purpose of this project is to test the efficacy of both synthetic and natural antibiotics. Cultures of benign bacteria will be grown in the presence of both a common antibiotic, and a natural chem ...

The purpose of this project is to quantify the effect of weather- in this case temperature and humidity- on musical instruments. All musicians know that the environment affects the tone of the instrum ...

The project is simply testing the efficacy of common packing on breakability. The goals are to establish a ‘breakability index’ – basically to assess how much damage is done to fragile objects in dif ...

The project tests the effect of heat -at varying temperatures- on the viability of biological enzymes. Put simply, at what temperature do enzymes stop working? Pinpoint at exactly what temperature the ...

Music is often used as a study aid by students. Music affects the psyche as well, according to pitch, passages and tempo. This projects addresses only tempo, and whether faster or slower music works b ...

Temperature affects your physiology- the reason we turn red in cold weather is because your body is attempting to shunt blood flow to your exposed areas and extremities to keep your temperature static ...

The project aims to discern whether or not composting worms reproduce and thrive better with a specific food source.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resou ...

Infants can usually communicate long before they can actually speak understandable words. An entire industry has sprung up around the use of ASL ( American Sign Language) in communicating with babies, ...

The point of this project is to determine exactly how much of an effect road grade has upon a cyclist’s speed and to determine if the effect follows a predictable mathematical trend.It is an education ...

Acid rain is becoming more and more of a for our world. Outside of industrial pollutants, like nitrogenous and sulfuric oxides, even excess carbon dioxide can affect the pH of rainwater. One question ...